“You must share your toys!” is something that I often hear parents tell their children. But how does a child learn to share?

The key is to encourage children to share from as early an age as possible; by sharing with siblings, having children over for play dates, or taking children along to groups such as toddler and parent and baby groups.
Read advantages of these here
This poem about toddler possession rules sums it up fantastically and anyone with experience of toddlers will relate to it:-

If I like it, it’s mine!
If it’s in my hand, it’s mine!
If I can take it away from you.it’s mine!
If I had it awhile ago, it’s mine!
If it’s mine. it must never appear to be yours in any way!
If I’m doing or building something- all the pieces are mine!
If it looks just like mine, it must be mine ( children can fight over identical objects).
If I saw it first, it’s mine!
If you are playing with something and put it down for a moment, it automatically becomes mine!
If I saw it first, it;s mine!
If it’s broken, it’s yours!
Other tips for teaching children to share are: To use a timer and explain that when the sand runs out or the buzzer goes off the child must give the toy to ‘so-and-so’ for a turn
If the child does this without fuss give them lots of verbal praise or a sticker on a reward chart.
Read more on behaviour management here
Be consistent about sharing and set a good example, don’t discipline children for not sharing, just continue to promote sharing

Hopefully over time the child will get the idea and realise that sharing toys can be fun,
As always questions/comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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I smiled as I read because my grandson has a dear and beloved friend — and they fight like badgers over toys! It’s a long process to self-giving, and we almost have to appeal to their rampant self-interest in order to get them to see the benefits of sharing.
Such an important topic and such an important thing to learn #globalblogging
I have always taught my kids how to take turns and share, so important x x
Sharing is such a hard thing to learn! I think positive reinforcement is the best way forward, although I like the idea of using a visual timer to let children know when it’s someone else’s turn with a toy. x #KCACOLS
Great tips! #Stayclassymama
Fab tips and reconsise some of these responses X #thatfridaylinky
We are definitely at the MINE!!!! stage. I love the idea of using a timer to encourage sharing #ThatFridayLinky & #KCACOLS
We are constantly trying to get our two daughters to share – it is a daily battle. But I found like you that if you persevere it does work. If they really fight over something then they don’t get the treat they have asked for (and they know this) plus I find that lots of positive reinforcement works wonders too. They loved being praised when they do share. Great advice! Thanks for linking up to #globalblogging and hope to see you back next week x
My little one has always been really good at sharing, though more so with other little girls than with boys (she just doesn’t like them haha!) #KCACOLS
Sharing is such a great learning tool to get children to cooperate together. Great tips #KCACOLS
Back again! Persistence is definitely key here. I can see how easy it would be to give into it but you can’t, you will definitely pay the price! Thanks for linking up with #KCACOLS and hope to see you back next time x
Sharing is such a tricky issue. Respect for personal property and boundaries combined with succesful social negotiation. It’s still an issue as an adult! I refuse to lend my sister anything as she doesn’t care for it as I would want her too! Thanks for linking up with #stayclassymama
My three could do with a lesson or two in sharing!! #ThatFridayLinky
Back again from #KCACOLS – still desperately need this advice! #KCACOLS
This is something that I have always insisted on with my girl and right from a young age she’s has always known about the importance of sharing. Love this way of teaching children to share. Thank you for linking up with us for #kcacols and we hope to see you next time!
Sharing can be really hit or miss can’t it. Even for grown ups at times 😉 What a great poem that perfectly sums up that ‘it’s mine’ vibe. Thank you for sharing this with the #DreamTeam