Due to the recent events, today’s post is a bit of fun to hopefully cheer everyone up.
I like most parents, I would think, have told my children a few white lies over the years; other than Santa and the tooth fairy, we came up with several more:-
My youngest son always wanted to be big like his 3 older brothers so at mealtimes he asked for salt on his food, as his siblings did, not wanting him to have added salt at such a young age my husband would put his finger over the hole in the salt cellar and then shake it over his meal, my son would then happily tuck in.
My step son was a fussy eater and would always complain about whatever he was fed, when we were on holiday in Wales and had sausages for tea, he complained that he didn’t like sausages, so my husband told him that they were Welsh sausages that tasted better; he ate every last scrap, but then refused to eat sausages when we returned home to England!
Fussy eaters here
To save our son from heartache when his guinea pig died, we told him that he had been lonely living on his own so we had given him away to a man who kept lots of guinea pigs so he would have many friends, my boy accepted this and seemed quite happy, with hindsight , I know that loosing a pet is a child’s first experience with death and is something they need to learn to deal with.
Absent parents ( including death here
My favourite children’s pets here

Continuing on the animal subject; when I was a child we moved from North Devon to Merseyside, I had a pet rabbit and my parents told me that he would travel up on ‘the animal train’.
One afternoon we returned home to discover a cardboard box on the doorstep inside was my rabbit, when I looked at him I remarked that he looked a bit different, mum assured me it was because he had been on a long journey. It wasn’t until many years later than I found out the truth- he looked different because he was a different animal: A neighbour had been asked to buy a black rabbit and leave it on our doorstep, even though I was in my 20’s I was still really upset about learning the truth.
Pets for children rabbits here

When I was weaning my son off his dummy, he fell asleep in the car as I was carrying him into the house it fell out of his mouth so I came up with a cunning plan – I cut off the teat, then when he went to bed and asked for his dummy I gave him the remaking plastic piece, he opened his mouth and found nothing to put in it, he told me “Mummy my dummy has popped, put it in the bin!” I told him that it must have popped in the sun while he was in the car ( he wasn’t old enough to think of buying another one) and never mentioned it again so that was the end of the dummy for him.

Please share any white lies that you were told or have told your children.
As always questions and comments are welcome.
Until next time.
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I’ve told a few little white lies to my kids, my toddler has got a lot more to come. The dummy one we are currently planning out. We’ve started telling her the tooth fairy takes all the dummies from the big kids to give to the little babies & when she’s ready to be a big girl, the tooth fairy will take her dummies for the little babies. #KCACOLS
I have heard of a dummy fairy too you put the dummy in a gift bag and hang it on the bedroom door handle, then the fairy leaves a present in return for the dummy, good luck!
It’s so true about white lies – I’ve done the salt one so many times myself! But then sometimes you have to tell these white lies to protect them too x #GlobalBlogging
Popping back from #StayClassyMama
I’m still moving an elf around every night because I’m an idiot and cinnamin helps him keep his powers. Does that count? lol #KCACOLS
Ha!,yes, that’s definitely a white lie that I haven’t come across before, keep it up
I have told so many little white lies. Like you remembering when I was a child that my mum told me my gerbils had escaped the cage and were now living in the ceiling with the mice (I could hear the mice at night so believed this.) It was not until later, like 20, she said the dog had eaten them! I appreciate a kind lie! Take care #KCACOLS
My other half tells my daughter that when the ice cream tune is ringing that means he has run out of ice cream. Yes it’s a white lie, and he is just a skinflint. #KCACOLS
Ha, my husband was told the same
Fussy eaters do encourage creative naming of vegetables I’ve found…#Stayclassymama
My parents did the same thing to me when my cockateil died! he told me they had given her to a man with an Aviary so she could be with other birds and not be lonely. I was 30 when I found out! Still gutted! I was always so angry with the for giving Billie away, I think i would have felt better knowing she had passed away xxx # KCACOLS
I have told so many. My favourite one was when my daughter was around 4/5 she decided she didn’t like carrots anymore. So my mum gave her chantanay (is that right?) carrots form the freezer and told her she had grown them in the garden. My mum has a small garden with artificial grass and trampoline and swing set so no idea where she though she grew them. it worked and for years after I had to keep a stock of ‘nanny’s carrots’ in the freezer as she wouldn’t eat any other carrots!
I totally forgot to add Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time
I have a super picky eater.
I once had him convinced that popcorn shrimp and fish fingers were chicken nuggets in different shapes and sizes.
When he got older, I told him the truth and he laughed.
I don’t think we have done this, unless you count the tooth fairy and Santa which my kids are now wise to. I do remember my parents telling me my goldfish was being sent to heaven as they flushed him down the loo after he died though…
Thanks for linking up to #stayclassymama
I am sure we were told many – though none spring to mind right now! Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo