Teaching about size in early years

Elizabeth, who is new to child minding, has asked for some ideas for teaching children about size. I have always had a height chart on my kitchen wall, it was a family tradition to measure my children the day before a birthday and see how much they grew that year. I remember once when my…

Teaching children how to count

The simplest and most effective way to teach children how to count is to count everything aloud with them. Start from a young age by counting their fingers and toes with rhymes such as this little piggy and 1,2 ,3 ,4 .5 once I caught a fish alive to make it fun. I always used…

Teaching children how to play

Lizzie, a registered child minder has requested this post. Children don’t automatically know how to play, they have to be shown what is expected of them. I played with my own children from the baby stage; helping them to enjoy a rattle and a baby gym. When they reached the sitting independently stage of development…

Teaching manners to children

I recently saw a parent asking about this on social media. I, like most parents, I suspect,would encourage my children to say “Ta” when I gave them something as babies, as they grew older and their vocabulary improved the “Ta” became “Thank you” When I was a child minder I liked the children to say…

Teaching letter recognition

Again this was something that I saw a parent asking about on social media. I would start by sharing books with children; as many as possible. My favourite children’s books here. Next have a game with children were you hold up an everyday object and ask what letter it begins with, for example, hold up…

Tips for teaching children to share

“You must share your toys!” is something that I often hear parents tell their children. But how does a child learn to share? The key is to encourage children to share from as early an age as possible; by sharing with siblings, having children over for play dates, or taking children along to groups such…

New Inclusive materials

Matel have recently launched a new Barbie doll, which has Down sydrome. The doll is wearing a necklace which is the extra Down syndrome chromanone and a dress in the flowery/butterfly bright colours, that are the down syndrome recognised symbols. Vogue U.K magazine have also published their first issue with a Down syrome girl on…

Redan fun to learn children’s magazine review

I came across this company on Facebook and they agreed to send some magazines for a review: I received 3 magazines; as follows: Favourites (:issue 414) This is jam packed with fun learning opportunities; dinosaur stickers and story. a simple recipe ( for children to create with an adult’s help. a word search and colouring…

Sprouts story stones review

I came across this company on social media:- All of the stones are hand painted by this growing company. I was sent 2 sets of stones for the review: Both sets arrived in a cute drawstring jute bag. Emotions: These are a set of 6 stones, which would be great for early years practitioners and…

Polly learns to share

This children’s book is written and illustrated by Lauren Foreman. It is a lovely little book that has rhyming text ( my favourite) and delightful, bright, colourful illustrations. The story tells how Polly has difficulty in sharing until her mother convinces her that sharing is best . The book is not too long so would…

Easyread time teacher resources

This is the second time that I have worked with this company. The fun, educational products I was sent this time are:- TWINTIME STUDENT CARD: Is a circle of write on/wipe off plastic which is a double sided clock face with movable hands. One side shows how to tell the time as minutes to and…

Different types of daycare

Parents sometimes get confused about the different types of daycare available for their children and I was recently asked to explain the differences by a friend:- CHILDMINDERS: As I used to be a registered child minder, this is my favourite type of daycare, Child minders maybe the best option for working parents because they can…

Guest Blog – 10 Low Cost Summer Activities to do With Kids

The endless days of summer—sitting by the pool, soaking up the sun, catching up with friends and family. The cook outs, summer trips and summertime projects. There are many activities to fill the longer days of summer, but what do you do when you get to the midpoint of summer vacation and the kids start…

Review of my spin and learn steering wheel

When Best learning materials corp asked if I was interested in reviewing one of their products, I chose my spin and learn steering wheel because this appealed to my expertise as a former child minder. On opening the box I immediately saw a quality toy which would provide hours of fun and learning. The wheel…

Review of Animal alphabet books

Tiny tree have kindly sent these books for me to review. Dash the dolphin, Frank the flamingo and Esme the elephant are the latest 3 books in this instalment.All three are written by Kaley Owen and Graeme Holding has drawn the bright,fun illustrations, the books are written in rhyme which regular readers of my blog…