I had never heard of this, until my sister, who works with special needs children, told me about it. Basically a playdough disco is a fun activity that uses playdough to encourage the movement of the hand and fingers to develop muscle control and fine motor skills more here It also helps to improve hand-to-eye…
Category: Child Minding
My sister told me about this easy to make playdough recipe and as I have only one working hand, since stroke, I decided to have a go at making it from my wheelchair. Ingredients: 2 cups of flour ( any will do, even the cheap value one) half a cup of salt 3 tablespoons cooking…
Most of us are spent out now after the cost of Christmas and maybe buying more in the sales, Finding things to keep the children entertained which doesn’t cost a lot can be a challenge; so my homespun activities could be the solution:- Flower pressing: I used to do this with the children when I…
Separation anxiety in children was something that I had to deal with often when I was working as a registered child minder. In my experience it affects children the most when they are aged between 6 and 9 months, but as every child is different this can vary. My tips for coping with this problem…
Now that the weather may not be favourable for getting children outside to let off steam and burn off some energy; encouraging them to get involved in some action songs indoors, in the warm could be a good alternative. These are some of my favourites:- I’m a little teaspot: This is great as it’s quite…
In my opinion, Christmas is best when you have children who believe in the magic of Santa: I want to share some of my precious memories of these times: My youngest son called Santa father Cripman and when we took him to see the big man, Adam was at the stage of making up his…
As usual ichild have come up with a range of Christmas crafts and activities to keep children entertained. These are my favorites from this year’s selection: ANGEL/FAIRY WAND: Children can make their own wand from a drinking straw, card and a piece of ribbon. It doesn’t get much simplier! PINE CONE CHRISTMAS TREE: This is…
Children everywhere will be over excited now that we are finally into December; but keeping them entertained for the next 24 days can be a challange for some parents. These are my ideas based on my experience of being both a parent and a registered child minder:- Baking is something that children always enjoy, so…
A well known singer has admitted to crying in front of her child and is concerned that this may have damaged him a report has said this week. So is it wrong to show your emotions in front of children? We had to have our beloved German shepherd dog put to sleep when my son…
I wasn’t aware of this phrase, until it was a topic being discussed on a daytime television programme that I was watching recently: A parent’s witching hour is that dreaded time towards the end of the day, when everyone is tired, including parents. I can remember my own children moaning and whining while I was…
I saw a post on social media this week were a parent stated that her child minder had still charged when her child didn’t attend because he was unell. When I was working as a registered child minder I would charge parents if a child was unwell because this is what I was advised when…
As early years professionals, child minders need to have policies and procedures in place to prove to both Ofsted and parents that they are doing all they can to keep the children in their care both safe and happy. Because most child minders work from their own homes, many will have family pets; so having…
A 1o year old girl in Australia has asked Santa for an expensive watch, designer clothes and £50 worth of skincare products, her mum has reported this week. So is it time to ditch the Christmas wish list to prevent children from becoming greedy and asking for too much? My thoughts are that Christmas is…
How Developing Positive Feelings About Pets Can Contribute To A Child’s Self-Esteem? ( A guest post)
Today’s post is written by a guest writer: Heeral Mehta Pets have become a prevalent aid in helping children thrive and prosper. For the well-being of each child, it is essential to understand how pets can improve their daily lives and boost their self-esteem. The following will explain how developing positive feelings about pets can…
A woman has been reported this week as being furious about when she collected her toddler from nursery, he and the other children were sat watching cartoons on the television. She was annoyed about the amount of money she was paying the nursery and felt that watching television was not justified. When I was working…
As with all the ichild activities, these are user friendly; making life simple for parents and carers: LOLLIPOP GHOST: This simple way of making a ghost only requires a lollipop, tissues, ribbon and double sided tape. Follow the instructions to make your ghost and the thing that children will love is that after Halloween they…
As a stroke survivor, I have only one working hand( my right). With the winter months approaching, I was keen to find a hobby to fill my time. Many years ago, before stroke, I made a Christmas plate decoration by glass painting here This got me thinking, if I could attempt glass painting again:- I…
My tips for having a safe, fun Halloween for children are:- Children should always be accompanied by an adult when they are trick-or-treating. They should only go to the houses of people they know and are happy for them to call. Stay safe by keeping to places that they know and are well lit, don’t…
Mums who are short of time and money could benefit from these simple hacks:- Make your own lip gloss: Never throw away a broken eyeshadow powder; simply mix it with Vaseline for ‘on the spot’ lip shine. Revive dried up mascara: No need to bin that dried up tube just yet, add a few drops…
An estate agent has recently been awarded a considerable amount of money, after her boss refused to let her work reduced hours after she returned to work after having a baby. She wanted reduced hours because she needed to get to her child’s nursery before it closed. My thoughts are that maybe using a registered…
I have noticed a few parents asking about activities for their young children on social media this week, these are my ideas/suggestions:_ Anew born baby will spend a good percentage of the day asleep (if you are lucky). When he is awake talk to him as much as possible. as this is how he will…
Readers will know how much I love children and that when I suffered a massive stroke, I had to give up my beloved child minding career. Moving into an adapted bungalow has opened up new opportunities for me. As we live in a quiet cul-du-sac the children in the neighbourhood often play outside. While I…
Parents may wander what exactly they should put into their child’s bag when going to a registered child minder:_ When I was working as a child minder I asked parents to pack an extra set of clothes; in case of an accident ( I also kept a bag of spare clothes that my own children…
Many people are under the impression that child minders just stick the children in their care in front of the television and then get on with whatever they like, whether it’s housework or chatting on the phone to friends. Hopefully my telling of a typical day when I was working as a registered child minder,…
Kim Kardashian has recently said that she is a soft parent; giving their children everything they want. This got me thinking: Is it better to be a soft or strict parent? In my experience, the majority of familuies usually have one of each. Mainly, but not in every situation the mother tends to be the…
In the olden days when I was a child, we didn’t have electronic gadgets, such as iPads and video consoles to keep us entertained. Instead children tended to play outside when the weather allowed and we amused ourselves with games like hopscotch ( by simply chalking out a grid on the pavement and using a…
It’s hard to believe that children will be going back to school in just a few weeks. The summer break has flown by. If you child is anxious about returning to school ( children have spent more time at home this year, than at school, due to the pandemic) talk to her about any concerns,…
I have heard of several child minders who are concerned that their own children are jealous of the ones they are looking after. . I always knew that my own children, especially my youngest benefited from me being a child minder more here, But on a rare occasion one of them did make a negative…
Mylene Class has posted a video this week of her 18 month old son emptying the dishwasher. This got me thinking about how young is too young for doing chores? I encouraged my own children to do things like putting away their toys from about 9 months, when they understood what I was asking of…
when I was working as a registered child minder I asked the children’s parents to send a packed lunch for their offspring: This was mainly because I often struggled with what to feed my own children let alone several others! Plus the parents would know what their children liked to eat. I stored the lunch…
I must admit that I love the sun and so have been enjoying the glorious weather that we have had this week ;however I have heard a few children crying,( what I would call a tired cry) through my open windows. Children do not always cope well in hot weather, they get tired quicker, through…
This year when a foreign holiday is looking challenging, mini trips to local attractions may be a good alternative. When it is warm and the sun ‘has it’s hat on’ a trip to the beach is a great option. Things to do at the beach with children here Why not have a go at fishing,…
When I working as a registered child minder, the parents of the children would sometimes ask me, as an early years professional, if I thought there was something wrong with their child( if had special needs). I always tried to give an honest answer, but was also tactful in the way I replied. One particular…
When I was working as a registered child minder I looked after one little boy, who was coming up to the age of 3, He had a very small attention span and would quickly get bored with activities ( which I know is not unusual for a child of that age). One day I decided…
This is just a small selection of the summer crafts and activities available from ichild:- CREATE A MINIATURE GARDEN; A great idea for helping young children to gain some understanding of the world; All that is needed are a shallow container, soil and some small plants, then use your imagination to help your child to…
Most children’s first experience of death is the loss of a beloved pet. I lost my pet rabbit when I was about 5 years old and was so upset that my mum let me have a few days off of school to get over my loss. My son’s were understandably upset when their pets passed…
This was a question posted on social media yesterday. My husband’s response to the question was ” It’s easy, turn off the electricity!” As I was reading the question I glanced out of my window where I saw a group of children playing together on their bikes, scooters and skateboards. We are fortunate in living…
As a registered child minder, a considerable amount of time has to be spent on paperwork. One part of this is to keep reports in an accident/incident book ( there are many publications available to purchase from various sources, but I just used a notebook). I was fortunate that in the 14 years that I…
As a parent and former registered child minder, I can remember the challenge of persuading a baby to keep her hat on:- My tips for this are:- To start getting baby used to wearing a hat as soon as possible after birth – no matter what season they are born; whether it’s a sun or…
A friend has suggested this post, after we were chatting about after school activities, she has a daughter who likes to do cooking with her mother in the evening and as I have only got boys ( who are now grown) she asked what boys like to do after school apart from getting muddy and…
This summer even though the covid19 restrictions are slowly being lifted, more families will be holidaying in this country and weather permitted spending many days on the beach. While adults may be content with sitting enjoying the sunshine and getting a tan; children often become bored. These are my ideas for keeping them entertained:- When…
IBird watching has many benefits for everyone, children included. Children can benefit from learning about nature and the natural world, by exploring more about the birds they see: what they choose to eat from the different feeders offered in the garden; which different kinds of bird favour which food and where they feed- from a…
Firstly, I must make it clear that I have no medical knowledge on this subject, it is written purely on my experiences only. I first learnt that two of my sons were colourblind when a routine eye test picked it up. When the option told me that my eldest son was colour blind, my response…
I first heard of baby signing when I attended a workshop on the subject while I was working as a registered child minder. So when I discovered that there is a local sing and sign group run by Elle, I was keen to find out more about it: Babies will use all kinds of gestures…
Parents will be only too aware that children seem to have a way of attracting dirt, leading to stains on clothing. The following are some hacks that I came across this week:- GRASS AND MUD STAINS:: Are the most common stains to appear on children’s clothes. Cover the stain with white toothpaste ( not any…
When I was a child minder I was sometimes asked to look after siblings, which I happily would, provided I had the spaces, plus I was frequently asked by such parents to give a sibling discount. Although, I did apricate that it was expensive for parents to send 2 children to me at the same…
This is something that I was asked on social media. The parent said that allowing her 18 month old child to have a nap in the afternoon was inpacking on bedtime in a negative way. My advice was to try how I managed it with my own children: As all children are individuals, however, what…
Thea, a registered child minder has requested this post. Having an Ofsted inspection is a nerve racking time for any setting; but as child minders often work alone, it can be more worrying if you are the only person that the inspector will see/ask questions ( nurseries and pre-schools will have several members of staff…
Over the 14 years that I worked as a registered child minder a few of the children I cared for had special needs: My first experience of caring for a special needs child( which was funded through social services, as respite for the parents) was a little girl, who was 2 years old as she…
Another child minding related subject today. When I was a registered child minder I did charge for bank holidays; this was because I was advised to on an introduction workshop that I attended before getting my registration. Parent will be paid for bank holidays we were told, so should you. If I was asked by…
This is a small selection of crafts available from ichild:- 3D EASTER CARD: This craft is suitable for older children with a flare for arts and crats as it requires some skill. FOLDING FOX CARD: This is a little simpler than the previous card, as it just needs a few neat folds. PAPER PLATE CHICK:…
The simplest and most effective way to teach children how to count is to count everything aloud with them. Start from a young age by counting their fingers and toes with rhymes such as this little piggy and 1,2 ,3 ,4 .5 once I caught a fish alive to make it fun. I always used…
Just before I registered to become a child minder I went on an introduction workshop, where we were advised to take retainer fees from any prospective parents wanting our service . When my registration was approved I began to advertise for children to look after. Marketing your child minding business here. I didn’t have the…
This is a question that came up on social media recently: As the majority of child minders work in their own homes, having the children on their furniture comes with the territory. When I was a registered child minder I was lucky enough to have a house large enough to turn my dining room into…
Both children and parents are having to learn to cope in these strange circumstances: Try to get children out on the daily walk as part of your routine, as that will help with everyone’s well being and mindfulness. Making the daily walk more interesting here You may have to be more disciplined with children during…
DYDD GWYl DEWI( St. David’s day card): Children living in Wales, or any children with a Welsh connection can celebrate St. David’s day by colouring the picture of the Welsh dragon surrounded by daffodils; then stick onto card. DAFFODIL CRAFT: This can be made from store cupboard essentials. DADDYPIG AND MUMMY PIGPUPPETS( to celebrate Mother’s…
PANCAKE DAY CROSSWORD: This is great for older children as a way of filling their time during the half term break from home schooling. PANCAKE DAY IN FRANCE: Explains about how the French celebrate pancake day and has a recipe for crepes. FILL IN THE BLANKS: An activity that will help children to improve literacy…
I suffered a massive stroke in 2007, which has left me disabled. As a former registered child minder I know that children are inquisitive and can only learn about such things by asking questions. Some children who were playing in their garden as I was passing on my electric wheelchair asked why I needed to…
During the lockdown, children’s parties, like most other events, need to be a little different, These are my ideas: Get everyone in the family to dress up in a theme of the child’s choice. Ask friends and other family members to send cards and birthday wishes, so the child still feels special on their day….
With yet another lockdown in force, it doesn’t look as though the children will be going back to school for a while yet: These are my home school hacks to help:- Be prepared: just as if children were in school get them to have their pencil case ready before you start; they won’t then have…
This is the second book written b y Linda Cartwright about lockdown life through the eyes of Alfie and Alexa: This time the story focuses on their mummy’s experience of the lockdown. From grey hair roots to clapping for the N.H.S. and home schooling: this book covers most things about life in lockdown in a…
This is just a tiny selection of Valentine’sday crafts available from ichild:- VALENTINES’S DAY FRIDGE MAGNET: Children can celebrate Valentine’s day, they could send cards and crafts to family members including pets. Love isn’t just for adult lovers. This craft is a perfect example , all that is needed are coloured pens or pencils, glue,…
Another request from Sarah. Another lockdown means taking children out for a daily walk to keep them occupied and healthy. But not all children are keen on walking, so having some ideas to make it more exciting could be helpful. As most children, especially the younger ones love to have a splash in a puddle,…
My experiences as a parent, grandparent and resisted child minder have taught me that some children don’t deal with not winning very well:- These are my tips for dealing with this issue: Start from a young age; getting children to play board games with siblings and other family members is a good way of introducing…
When I was a registered child minder I always wrote out a contract keeping my business professional. Most parents were really good at sticking to the times stated in the contract; however, sometimes life gets in the way and it was not always possible to honour those times: I understood that and as long as…
Most families will make their own Christmas traditions. When I was a girl living at home with my parents and 2 sisters we didn’t put the tree or other decorations up until a few days before Christmas: Now I am living in my own home the tree goes up on December 1st, usually, however, this…
Sarah has suggested this post, thanks, Sarah. There is nothing as special as having children who believe in the magic of Father Christmas, in my opinion. But as children get older , usually around the age of 8 or 9 upwards, they start to wonder if he is real. I remember asking our parents if…
SNOWMAN PAPER CHAIN: : A simple way to make a lovely Christmas decoration. There is a snowman template complete with accessories ( facial features and clothes) to download a or if they are creative children can draw their own snowman then it’s just a case of folding a concertina and cutting out- a good opportunity…
I believe that children can benefit from having a pet and have written several posts on pets for children here However, when a pet dies or has to be put down the pain can be almost too much to bear. My first experience of death was the loss of my pet rabbit, Bambi, when I…
I was sent this wondeful children’s book for review. Anyone who likes unicorn’s ( and let’s face it who doesn’t?) will love this book. It is full of bright, colourful illustrations and the text is super educational for children: Explaining about different people; their many colours of skin, varying religions and how they all get…
Followers of my blog will know that I work regularly with ichild. This is a selection of their literacy activities:- FILL IN THE BLANKS: Is what it says ‘on the tin’ fill in the missing blanks on the harvest related words under the corresponding pictures; the completed words are written at the bottom of the…
Lizzie, a registered child minder has requested this post. Children don’t automatically know how to play, they have to be shown what is expected of them. I played with my own children from the baby stage; helping them to enjoy a rattle and a baby gym. When they reached the sitting independently stage of development…
SPIRAL FALLING LEAVES DECORATION ; This only requires store cupboard essentials for children to make a lovely autumn decoration. There is an option of using the ready coloured leaves, or children can colour their own blank download to make a lovely autumn decoration. HALLOWEEN WITCH MASK AND HAT; The mask is a simple download to…
I saw a question on social media asking how to teach positional language ( over, under, beside, above etc.) to early years children. My ideas are:- To read books to the children; such as We’re going on a bear hunt by Helen Oxenbury. . Or the Usborne books which feature a little yellow duck to…
When I was a registered child minder, I was sometimes understandably mistaken for the children’ s mum. I was a busy child minder having lots of different children of varying ages to care for: One day I was walking up my street with a couple of children when a lady that I recognised as living…
Managing the behaviour of older children can be more of a challenge than when they were younger. Older children tend to have more attitude for a start and may sometimes answer back. My tips for behaviour management ( of younger kids) here can be adapted to be more suited to older children. My tips for…
There is a saying which states; that there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing: So does this mean that we should dress our children appropriately and send them out to play in all weathers? Personally, I am not keen on the rain, but understand that children are not so fussy. Recently…
DINOSAUR BOOKMARK; Is a simple download to colour as you like, then stick onto card and you have a bookmark ( this would suit any age of child as toddlers can scribble to their hearts desire and older children can be more creative) DINOSAUR COLOUR AND COUNT; For younger children this is a picture to…
Regular readers will know that I am an advocate for rewarding good behaviour and ignoring the unwanted in children. Positive parenting goes one step further; instead of telling children “no, don’t do that” have a more positive approach to behaviour management by saying things like “never mind” if you child accidentally drops something on the…
Having your baby go through the teething stage can be a stressful time for parents: My own children didn’t suffer too badly, thank goodness; I remember them having bright red cheeks, dribbling more than usual and the occasional loose nappy- all common signs that teeth are on the way. To prevent the skin from getting…
I was watching a television programme were a woman had sextuplets( 6 siblings) and she used restraints to keep hold of them all. The mother actually received some verbal comments from a passer-by who told her “Those are children , not dogs, only dogs should be on a leash!” This got me thinking; I used…
This is a question that was asked on a social media site: My thought was no, we shouldn’t always let them win, as children need to learn that life can be hard and they can’t always be a winner. Loosing sometimes is something that is going to happen. I have been told by a friend…
Many parents struggle with getting their children to eat fruit and vegetables. These are my top tips:- Get children involved in growing vegetables by giving them a small patch in the garden; if children help to plant. grow and harvest the food they are more likely to eat it. Also let them be involved with…
Following on from last week’s post about the trips that I took the children on here. To keep the children safe I would carry out a risk assessment and make some preparations:- Firstly I had a piece written into my contracts asking parents for written consent allowing me to take their children out in my…
I will admit that I have always been addicted to the sun and getting a suntan ( I have never been a big drinker or a smoker, so I figured that a sun addiction wasn’t such a bad thing). One of the many advantages of working as a registered child minder, for me, was that…
Back in ‘the good old days’ before the corona virus threat I took the children in my care on several trips ( always with written permission from parents). Often I would arrange to go with another child minder; this meant that I could have some adult conversation, plus there was someone to watch the children…
A friend has just told me about this, it is something that I was not aware of:- Geocaching is an outdoor activity that the whole family can get involved in; all you need is a pen and a smart phone or similar device. Download the free app and get treasure hunting. There are hundreds of…
This is a question that I have been asked:- When I was a child minder I did allow the children to bring their own toys occasionally, but they and often their parents had to understand that they would need to share them with the other children. ( my own children were told that if they…
Health and safety seems to have gone mad recently, but is this the best for our children, should they be able to take risks? My feelings are that yes, children should be able to take some risks. Have you ever tried to cut anything with safe plastic scissors? It’s impossible, give children real child size…
I recently saw a parent asking about this on social media. I, like most parents, I suspect,would encourage my children to say “Ta” when I gave them something as babies, as they grew older and their vocabulary improved the “Ta” became “Thank you” When I was a child minder I liked the children to say…
ichild have a variety of crafts for children to celebrate father’s day:- FATHER’S DAY ROSETTE; This can be made using ribbon, or a simpler version can be made from the paper template. FATHER’S DAY OWL CRAFT; This is a fun craft providing a space on the owl’s front to write a message or stick a…
Now that some schools and child minders are able to open again after the lock down, practitioners will be looking at providing distancing activities which keep children safe. As the virus is thought to be less of a risk when outside. having the children in the great outdoors whenever possible seems to be the best…
When I was a child minder one of the most successful topics that I did with the children was on all about me:- I made up a booklet for each child. We started by looking at ourselves in a mirror and I asked what they saw ( I was hoping that they would notice different…
During this lockdown period of time we are permitted to take a daily walk in our neighbourhood. Some people have been fined because they are driving for many miles to take a walk; this is not allowed because it creates more traffic on our roads, increasing the chance of an accident or breakdown and having…
I discovered adult colouring after suffering a stroke which left me disabled. My sister brought me a book as a gift:- This particular book The Menagerie, animal portraits is great for me as each individual page can be torn out (via perforations) as I only have one working hand being able to remove the page…
Again this was something that I saw a parent asking about on social media. I would start by sharing books with children; as many as possible. My favourite children’s books here. Next have a game with children were you hold up an everyday object and ask what letter it begins with, for example, hold up…
This is a small selection of activities that ichild offer:- EASTER COLOUR AND COUNT: This is exactly what it says; an Easter picture to colour and related images to discover and count, great for helping children with learning about counting and numbers. Number recognition here. EASTER CROSSWORD: 10 clues with the answers at the bottom…
As most of us are trying avoiding going into shops. unless for essential food activities for children using things that we already have is a good idea:- Toddlers will enjoy having a saucepan and wooden spoon to use as a drum ( not so great if you have a headache though!). Make your own shakers…
As the schools have been forced to close and most children will need to stay at home,without attending usual group activities they will quite rightly start to ask questions about why. Because I have NO medical training this is not based on medical facts; these are just my thoughts and advice to parents and carers:-…