Category: Child Minding

March 1, 2025 Karen 4 comments

Zoe very kindly sent me the following to review: MY FIRST PHONICS READING LIBRARY : This amazing box of 20 different titles which are all written in rhyming text, which is my absolute favourite for children’s literature because it helps them to have a go at predicting the next word, giving the children confidence to…

February 28, 2025 Karen 3 comments

Kate is a Developmental psychologist and has written these books to encourage children to poo on the potty: Squiggy the poo: This colourful book explains in a fun way why children need to poo; from telling what foods are good to eat for our bodies to be heathy, what it feels like when we need…

February 20, 2025 Karen 3 comments

I have seen that several new registered child minders have been reaching out on social media for help with writing a contract for parents. Hopefully this will help. As registered child minders are as professional and qualified as nurseries and other forms of day care , it is important to have a legally bonding contract…

December 7, 2024 Karen 4 comments

Travel tikes are a new company trying to get established. They sent me a travel Tikes tote bag to review. The bag which is a vibrant yellow contains12 items designed for keeping children entertained while they are travelling. ; These include some fidget toys, small colouring book with felt tip pens and crayons .a snakes…

November 13, 2024 Karen 2 comments

Every child deserves to have a toy that looks like them (whether they have a different skin colour, disability or something else that makes them a little different from’ average’ children). When I was working as a registered child minder I had dolls with varying skin tones ( black ,white and yellow) in my play…

November 2, 2024 Karen 2 comments

Kate sent me 2 of her books: A SPECIAL FAMILY CHRISTMAS; This is a lovely book , which made me and the children who I shared the books with feel really Christmassy. We chatted about putting up our Christmas tree. The book is written in a rhyming text, which, as my regular readers will know…

October 30, 2024 Karen 2 comments

I have worked with Best learning in the past So when I was given the opportunity to review another of their educational toys, I jumped at the chance. My Geoblox xis a set of sorting and building blocks, which help young children to learn colours and shapes. Along with the blocks there is a…

October 20, 2024 Karen 4 comments

I came across this book on social media and instantly thought that it would be a great fit for my blog theme. Mark shares his experience of growing up with dyslexia in a way that could quite easily be used as a tool in the classroom as a way of supporting children who find learning…

September 27, 2024 Karen 2 comments

I can’t speak highly enough about this amazing children’s picture book. ! First of all the text is rhyming which is my absolute favorite for children’s literature. At the beginning of the book there is page for the reader to fill in a loved ones name; making it a treasured memory keepsake of a lost…

August 18, 2024 Karen 9 comments

We are well known in our neighbourhood for keeping any children entertained. I have been outside in my wheelchair to play with them; playing hide a ndwheelchair is a challenge, but we all enjoyed it! Read about children’s word searches here Today my husband came up with the idea of making a water slide on…

July 27, 2024 Karen 8 comments

The package arrived in a bright purple wrapping; which immediately got the attention of the local children who were playing outside when the delivery driver walked down my driveway! Inside the package I was delighted to find 2 children’s books, 2 purple draw string pouches and some monivation cards . WALTER THE WIZARD AND THE…

June 21, 2024 Karen 8 comments

I could see how great this book is as soon as I opened it! As a former early years practitioner I know that a toddler’s brain is like a sponge; they soak up knowledge and learn at their very best when they are having fun. At the beginning of the book is an explanation for…

June 1, 2024 Karen 5 comments

As a former early years practitioner (registered child minder) I understand the benefits of publications, such as this; because children learn at their best while having fun. I was sent issue 9 of this magazine: It is jam- packed full of early years learning activities: Make a dinosaur, hand writing practice,, pages to colour (…

May 29, 2024 Karen 4 comments

The first thing that struck me when I received this book was the bright, colourful front cover. Luna loves her nursery and is especially fond of a particular toy tiger, so she borrows him from nursery over the bank holiday weekend. Luna and tiger visit lots of different places with her family and have some…

May 14, 2024 Karen 4 comments

I have recently joined a new mother and baby walking group and several of the mothers have said that they have issues with making their children sit in a buggy. Let’s look at this from the Childs point of view; they have just learned to walk after lots of praise and encouragement from their parents…

May 13, 2024 Karen 2 comments

I was sent he following books to review: SPRING TIME; This sweet book is full of the wonders of spring time. The old oak tree which stands manifestly in the wood is home to lots of fairies. The great thing about the fairies in this book is that they are not all female, small, white…

March 17, 2024 Karen 6 comments

I was sent a tube containing 240 low-in-the dark pieces. And a box, in which I was expecting to find a board ( for holding the pieces). But the box contained another 250 puzzle pieces in 10 different colours. And a puzzle mat. Harley, age 8, who was eager to help with my review was…

March 2, 2024 Karen 5 comments

Fun Affordable Easter Holiday Activities for children As Easter approaches, it’s time to plan some delightful activities to keep the childrenentertained and immersed in the holiday spirit. Whether you prefer indoor or outdoor fun. Here are 6 fun Easter holiday activities that children of all ages will enjoy. The onething you will need to purchase…

January 13, 2024 Karen 6 comments

Regular readers will know that I have worked with ichild for a number of years. This is a selection of their winter activities and crafts which will be suitable for a variety of different aged children: Winter olympic wordsearch: This is great for alder children, there are 12 winter Olympic themed words to find. The…

October 17, 2023 Karen 2 comments

In preparation for National nursery rhyme day on 13 November, I am sharing some of my favourites: This little piggy was a firm favourite when I was working with children of different ages, I would recite the rhyme while tickling a baby’s toes or fingers and any other older children would join in. More activities…

September 16, 2023 Karen 2 comments

This is just a small selection of crafts available from ichild:- GRANDPARENTS DAY FRIDGE MAGNET; This is a picture of a teapot that children can decorate how they wish; then stick on a photo of a grandparent ( or themselves) add a magnet and it’s good to go! HEART CRAFT; Again children can have fun…

August 11, 2023 Karen 2 comments

For anyone that wants to be more organised, check out this book on Amazon by Ava Heart   It’s for Early years workers to put all their activities into one place.  On each page is a blank table to fill in the: activity, materials required and what areas of the curriculum it covers (to save you…

August 5, 2023 Karen 2 comments

Kayleigh, a registered child minder asked for this post after she was finding it difficult to calm the children in her care when they came in from the garden’hypo’. My biggest tip for stopping children being really nosy; was given to me by a school teacher. She told me that trying to shout over them…

July 22, 2023 Karen 6 comments

With the cost of living rising almost daily, parents and carers will be wanting to save money whenever possible. These are some of my ideas:- Make window shopping a fun activity; I have spent quite some over the years time just looking in shops rather than buying with my own children, grandchildren and the ones…

July 20, 2023 Karen 10 comments

When I first registered as a child minder I decided that I wanted a name for my business ( other than just Karen’s child minding) to make me appear more professional. My husband suggested the name Little treasures; so I added quality to that and became Little treasures quality child minding. I must say that…

July 8, 2023 Karen 14 comments

Regular readers will know that I often work with ichild, because they have a wonderful selection of crafts and activities to keep children entertained; this is a few of their Wimbledon themed ones: WIMBLEDON WORDSEARCH: Older children will enjoy the challenge of finding the tennis related words( the answers are at the bottom of the…

June 21, 2023 Karen 12 comments

DAYS OF THE WEEK: Colour the letters of the days of the week, then stick onto thin card to make flashcards. There are also large A4 individual days of the week downloads that can be used as a display around settings. PEOPLE WHO HELP US: This is my favourite of the activities, because ichild have…

June 20, 2023 Karen 8 comments

This was a question I was asked by a friend: Well when my children were young and went to a pre-school group they would come home with arm fulls of paintings, drawings and other delightful items that they had made; it would have been impossible to keep them all, so I will admit that I…

May 6, 2023 Karen 8 comments

I saw a question on Facebook this week were a registered child minder was asking how caring for ‘a looked after child’ worked. When I was working as a child minder I went on a training day that qualified me to work with Social services and other agencies. There was a designated social worker (…

April 26, 2023 Karen 10 comments

Matel have recently launched a new Barbie doll, which has Down sydrome. The doll is wearing a necklace which is the extra Down syndrome chromanone and a dress in the flowery/butterfly bright colours, that are the down syndrome recognised symbols. Vogue U.K magazine have also published their first issue with a Down syrome girl on…

April 19, 2023 Karen 21 comments

Tracy who is in the process of becoming a registered child minder has requested this post. During the pre-registration inspection, the inspector is assessing your suitability to become a registered child minder: This will include a look around your home, to ensure that it’s safe for children: The inspector will want to see where the…

April 15, 2023 Karen 16 comments

As usual ichild have come up trumps with these children’s activities: BIG,BIGGER,BIGGEST CROWN: Is perfect for teaching about size, then children can colour the crowns, COLOUR THE CROWNS: Even very young children can learn to master mark making skills to colour the crowns as they wish. BRITISH UNION FLAG LANTERN : Older children will enjoy…

March 6, 2023 Karen 10 comments

St. Patrick’s day is just around the corner help children to celebrate it with the following activities and crafts:- LUCKY CLOVER STAMP CARD: What could be more fun than making your own stamp from an empty kitchen roll tube and using it to design a card? FOUR LEAF CLOVER HAND PRINT: Most children enjoy hand…

February 20, 2023 Karen 6 comments

Most children will tell tails or make things up from time to time, but what can you do when the lies become a regular assonance or more than that? Start by having conversations with your children about telling the truth and lying: Stories, such as the boy who cried wolf could help with this. If…

February 4, 2023 Karen 12 comments

The February school half term can sometimes be tricky for parents and carers to think of activities for keeping children entertained and happy; because it is still winter and the weather may not be favourable for doing anything outside. However, if we are lucky enough to get some dry, bright days, then why not wrap…

January 30, 2023 Karen 13 comments

A 4 year old girl was in the news this week because she bravely managed to call for an ambulance when her mother collapsed in front of her. I taught my own children how to dial 999 if the need arose and also how to phone my mother for help, I did this in a…

January 21, 2023 Karen 12 comments

Having a good port folio to show parents at the first interview more here is key to looking professional . My port folio was quite large, as I had undertaken lots of training providing me with many certificates ( obviously my registered child minding certificate was framed and displayed on my playroom wall). Other than…

December 2, 2022 Karen 22 comments

I must point out that I have nothing against children’s nurseries and pre- schools, but because I worked as a registered child minder for many happy years I will always recommend a child minder to parents if asked about day care for their children. Looking for childcare here This is why: Registered child minders usually…

November 29, 2022 Karen 10 comments

Due to the recent postal strikes, the following children’s books were late arring:- GOD’S PROMISE: Once again the book is dedicated to a child, with a personal message. The tale in this book which is written by Bill Graham is based on the bible story of Noah’s ark. There are refences to the child’s home…

November 26, 2022 Karen 8 comments

when a review was agreed this company asked a number of questions to personalise the books Child’s first and last name. Gender Child’s age. Child’s home town Up to 3 names of friends or family members A personalised message. A few days later I was sent the following books: SANTA’S SECRET HRLPER: The first page…

November 21, 2022 Karen 14 comments

Larger settings, such as nurseries and pre-schools will usually put on a Christmas party for their children: So does this mean that registered child minders should do the same? When I was working as a registered child minder Christmas was my favourite time of year. I started providing Christmas themed activities and crafts from the…

November 18, 2022 Karen 6 comments

Samantha, a registered child minder reached out on social media for help with this issue that she was having with one of the children she cared for who was pulling the hair of other children in the setting. I have always kept my hair short, but anyone who has long hair and holds a baby…

November 15, 2022 Karen 10 comments

Keeping children safe and well is one of the most important roles for an early years practitioner; so doing regular risk assessments are vital. One of the things that I found most helpful when risk assessing my own home as a registered child minder was to get down on the floor to look at things…

November 7, 2022 Karen 8 comments

I strongly believe that children should understand why we celebrate rembrance day and wear a poppy. The following activities should help with this: MAKE A POPPY: Using tissue paper and the clever use of a cotton bud, children can make and then wear their own poppy! FIRST WORLD WAR PLANE: Even very young children can…

October 27, 2022 Karen 6 comments

When I was a registered child minder I had several different policies here, but I didn’t have a sickness policy. Looking back I wish that I had, obviously I told parents at the first interview here that I wasn’t allowed to look after any child who was unwell; because of the risk of spreading infections….

October 21, 2022 Karen 8 comments

Diwali is on Monday 23rd October( this coming Monday) and is celebrated by several different religions for 5 days. Diwali is also known as the festival of light, So these acitivities should help parents and carers to celebrate with their children:- DIWALI FLOWER GARLAND; This is pretty easy to make; just copy, colour and cut…

October 13, 2022 Karen 14 comments

Although my favourite season of the year is summer, because I’m a sun worshiper; autumn is also enjoyable because summer can sometimes be a let down, weather wise ( this year was amazing) and in autumn when we expect the weather to start going downhill it can sometimes surprise us with warmish sunny days: On…

August 13, 2022 Karen 10 comments

KookyLoos is a new product soon to be launched. I was sent a pink box containing 2 cardboard tubes : One from the BFF series; the other was from the Sunday fun day series. Inside each tube the children who helped with the review were delighted to discover several paper packages which they took turns…

August 5, 2022 Karen 9 comments

I came across a question on Facebook were a person who was just starting a career as a registered child minder asked how many toys she needed to begin with. Anyone wanting to become a child minder ( and why wouldn’t you) more here needs to get the essentials sorted first, that is, registering with…

July 18, 2022 Karen 4 comments

Regular readers will know how much I love spending time with children. As we are experiencing extreme heat at the moment and we have a lovely cool car port next to our bungalow, a few of the neighbour’s children came to spend time with me there: I had a selection of word search puzzles for…

July 15, 2022 Karen 8 comments

I chose the Magneti’ book from the wide range of gifts and educational toys for both girls and boys available from Wicked uncle here I knew this particular product would provide hours of educational fun for a wide age rang of both boys and girls ( and a few adults, as well, I suspect!). When…

July 8, 2022 Karen 8 comments

There has been talk about shortening the long summer school break for many years as a way to save heating costs during the winter months; the idea being making the summer holiday 2 weeks shorter and adding that to the Christmas break ( so parents would have to find the extra heating money!). But the…

July 5, 2022 Karen 16 comments

I came across this company on Facebook and they agreed to send some magazines for a review: I received 3 magazines; as follows: Favourites (:issue 414) This is jam packed with fun learning opportunities; dinosaur stickers and story. a simple recipe ( for children to create with an adult’s help. a word search and colouring…

July 1, 2022 Karen 16 comments

Holding a graduation ceremony for children who are leaving nursery or pre-school is getting more popular, but is it the right thing to do? It has been reported that some nurseries in London are charging £25 just for a ticket for parents to attend their child’s graduation and other settings are charging for the use…

June 25, 2022 Karen 18 comments

When I was a registered child minder I did charge for a child’s holiday: I would accept half the usual fee if I was given at least 2 week’s notice ( this worked for me as I was always in demand and could sometimes fill a holiday space from the supply teachers that I worked…

June 24, 2022 Karen 4 comments

When I was working as a registered child minder I always had a written contract that myself and the parents would sign and each had a copy. The contract would state the days and times that child minding was required. Plus what would happen should the child be unwell more here. And if I was…

June 18, 2022 Karen 10 comments

Whenever the weather was favourable, I would walk with the childrenin my care to wherever we were going. Walking is good exercise and it takes longer than driving so would help to fill our days. I tried to make walking fun, but sometimes children are reluctant to walk, so I used several ideas to help…

June 13, 2022 Karen 6 comments

Following on from last week’s post about how to encourage a child to take a daytime nap more on that here If you have older children who don’t require a nap. I suggested giving them some quiet activities to do: Here are some of my ideas:- JIGSAW PUZZLES: There are so many jigsaws on the…

June 10, 2022 Karen 6 comments

We all know that having a child who is tired doesn’tresult in a good day. But children will often object to the idea of taking a nap;especially if there is something interesting going on around him. When I was a registered child minder and had a child who needed to take a nap I would…

June 8, 2022 Karen 8 comments

T he Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been sharing photos of their daughter Lilibet’s first birthday party: But is putting in all the time, money and effort worth it? Properly not, in my opinion because at such a young age they won’t remember it or understand what’s going on. I do apricate, however, that…

May 31, 2022 Karen 10 comments

In the box that I received were 4 plastic eggs and spoons, 4 colorful sacks. 4 beanbags some leg straps ( for a three-legged race) and a story book that was themed to a sport’s day. Pippa and Eliza were excited to help with my review. The girls read the story first and talked about…

May 27, 2022 Karen 8 comments

When thinking of a gift to buy for a newborn baby people often decide on a teddy bear or other cuddly toy/stuffed animal. Although these may look cute do they actually serve a purpose and benefit the child? The simple answer is yes: As well as being a comfort to a child, a cuddly toy…

May 23, 2022 Karen 15 comments

Mylene Klass has said that she does regular fire drills with her children. This made me think; adults have fire drills at work and children have them in schools so why don’t they have them at home where they spend the most amount of time? Mylene said that she makes if fun so the children…

May 13, 2022 Karen 6 comments

With more and more children becoming overweight the government are concidering giving parents lessons on how to pack a healthy lunch for their children. I must admit that I sometimes struggled with what to put in my eldest son’s lunch box; he was a fussy eater and wouldn’t eat any fruit. He was partial to…

May 11, 2022 Karen 13 comments

With the cost of living rising daily, make the most of the better weather with some money saving activities that the whole family can enjoy: 1. Build a bug hotel; use old toilet roll tubes, sticks and bamboo. 2. Sow some seeds; tasty cress on a window sill or see who can grow the tallest…

May 2, 2022 Karen 6 comments

I first met Lulu with her mum when we were waiting to collect our children from school. When her mother discovered that I was a registered child minder she asked if I had a space for her daughter ( I did). Lulu’s mother asked me to treat her the same as I would any other…

April 30, 2022 Karen 8 comments

As the majority of child minders work alone, it is sensible to have a back up plan in place in case of an emergency: What would happen to the children if the child minder suddenly became ill in the middle of the day and was no longer able to take care of them? When I…

April 29, 2022 Karen 10 comments

I saw a post on Facebook from a child minder asking for pre-school platinum jubilee activities. Once again I have gone to ichild to find a selection: BEEFEATER FUN: Children can learn about the beefeaters while coloring the picture. BIG/BIGGER/BIGGEST CORGI: The youngest of children should be able to learn about size and position using…

April 23, 2022 Karen 16 comments

Discipling a baby may seem harsh; but babies can sometimes show behaviour that needs discipling. Obviously, managing the behaviour of babies has to be different from the way an older child would be dealt with: However, the same principles of ignoring unwanted behaviour and rewarding good, wanted behaviour are the same. Babies love to pull…

April 22, 2022 Karen 8 comments

St. Georges’s day is tomorrow 23rd March. I love these downloads that are designed for children to celebrate St. George’s day:- DRAGON CRAFT: The main thing needed for this craft is an old wooden spoon ( that will need painting) and some basic store cupboard essentials. Simply download the activity and follow the instructions. DRAGON…

April 13, 2022 Karen 10 comments

I was watching an episode of Dragon’s den when 2 woman were asking for money to expand their business. Their company was started after one of the woman was decorating the Christmas tree with her daughter who asked “Can a Christmas angel have black skin?” They then started to sell decorations with black skin colour….

April 9, 2022 Karen 10 comments

Once again, I am sharing some of the activities that ichild are offering: BUNNY PAPER CHAIN: This is simply a case of concatenating some paper and cutting out the bunny shape; children can then colour or use different mediums to decorate their bunnies before hanging them up as bunting. BUNNYCOLOUR-BY-NUMBERS: Is exactly what it says;…

April 6, 2022 Karen 8 comments

Ellen, an early years practitioner has asked for activity suggestions for the children she looks after as a registered child minder to do safely in her garden. When I was working as a registered child minder I had a small walled garden that we made the best use of as I believe that children can…

April 1, 2022 Karen 10 comments

This was a subject that was brought up on a television programme I was watching this week: One child was playing up by attention seeking when he felt that his parents were spending more time listening to his sister than they were him. My advice for dealing with this problem is to acknowledge the issue,…

March 19, 2022 Karen 10 comments

After the response to last week’s post about the early years hairdressing salon; this week I am sharing another of my role play ideas, that I set up for the children when I was working as a registered child minder. As with the hairdressing salon, I supplied a telephone, pen and paper for the children…

March 17, 2022 Karen 17 comments

At last, spring has arrived, with the promise of warmer wether ahead, meaning that families can enjoy the great outdoors: Family time, anywhere is important, but spending it outside with nature around us , makes it even more valuable. My suggestions for satisfying everyone, especially the younger members of a family are:- To go foraging;…

March 12, 2022 Karen 16 comments

When I was working as a registered child minder I was always trying to think up ways of helping the children to learn through play. One of the most successful things that I thought of was to set up an early years hair dressing salon: I started planning this by asking the children’s parents to…

March 4, 2022 Karen 3 comments

What is circle time? I hear you ask. Circle time gives children in schools and early years setting the opportunity to sit together ( usually in a circle) and take time to talk, listen and interact with each other and their practitioners. During circle, or group time, as it is sometimes called, children can sing…

March 2, 2022 Karen 10 comments

Having your child take a nap during the day is benefical to them and you: The child won’t be irratible because he is tired and the parent/carere gets a well earned short break. The key is to have a routine and start young. When they are babies, children will often sleep after being fed ,…

February 26, 2022 Karen 10 comments

As a former registered child minder, with a passion for children’s literature; World book day is something that I find interesting. World book day was invented to get children, especially those from a disadvantage background, interested in literature, hopefully to encourage a life long love of books. This year World book day is on Thursday…

February 20, 2022 Karen 18 comments

Children associate Easter with a lot of chocolate. But what about anyone who can’t have a large sugar high, if they have diabetes or other dietary needs? Instead of buying children eggs, buy them something to wear; cute bunny slippers, or an Easter themed onesie ( babies will look super sweet in one of these)….

February 19, 2022 Karen 14 comments

I came across this company on social media:- All of the stones are hand painted by this growing company. I was sent 2 sets of stones for the review: Both sets arrived in a cute drawstring jute bag. Emotions: These are a set of 6 stones, which would be great for early years practitioners and…

February 11, 2022 Karen 10 comments

This was a question that I was asked recently : As all children are individuals, the age that they can dress themselves will vary and a child with special needs could take longer to master the art than other children. On average, I would say that by around 3 years of age children should be…

February 9, 2022 Karen 13 comments

In my experience the worst age for trying to settle in a new child minded child is between6 and 8 months, when they seem to be much more aware of their surroundings and who is taking care of them. The hardest baby that I had to settle was a 7 month old boy that I…

February 3, 2022 Karen 16 comments

Thumb sucking can have advantages as well as some disadvantages in children. My first born was a thumb sucker from a young age, It gave him comfort and would help him settle himself to sleep, sometimes he would stick his thumb in his mouth when he was tired, such as when he was sitting on…

January 28, 2022 Karen 9 comments

Readers will know that I have recently started a new hobby; glass painting while sitting in my wheelchair. My mum was delighted with the coaster that I gave her for a big birthday last year. So I decided to have a go at making her something for mother’s day too: First of all the glass…

January 27, 2022 Karen 10 comments

Maria has kindly suggested this post. She told me that in Norway, early years settings run on a 3 strike policy: if a parent is late for the above 3 times, they get a £ 20 fine ( she also said that Norwegian’s tend to follow the rules!). When I was a registered child minder…

January 22, 2022 Karen 20 comments

When I was working as a registered child minder, I knew that Ofsted inspectors liked to see evidence that I was making the children aware of different cultures and how they celebrated their traditions. As the Chinese new year is fast approaching. I wanted to share aome of the crafts that ichild have on offer….